env: VecEnv, eval_env: Optional[VecEnv] = None, tag: str = 'default', seed: int = 1,
device: str = 'cpu', pretraining: bool = False, num_init_steps: int = 2000,
storage_size: int = 10000, feature_dim: int = 50, batch_size: int = 32,
lr: float = 0.001, eps: float = 1e-08, hidden_dim: int = 1024, tau: float = 1.0,
update_every_steps: int = 4, target_update_freq: int = 1000, discount: float = 0.99,
init_fn: str = 'orthogonal'
Deep Q-Network (DQN) agent.
- env (VecEnv) : Vectorized environments for training.
- eval_env (VecEnv) : Vectorized environments for evaluation.
- tag (str) : An experiment tag.
- seed (int) : Random seed for reproduction.
- device (str) : Device (cpu, cuda, ...) on which the code should be run.
- pretraining (bool) : Turn on the pre-training mode.
- num_init_steps (int) : Number of initial exploration steps.
- storage_size (int) : The capacity of the storage.
- feature_dim (int) : Number of features extracted by the encoder.
- batch_size (int) : Number of samples per batch to load.
- lr (float) : The learning rate.
- eps (float) : Term added to the denominator to improve numerical stability.
- hidden_dim (int) : The size of the hidden layers.
- tau : The Q-function soft-update rate.
- update_every_steps (int) : The update frequency of the policy.
- target_update_freq (int) : The frequency of target Q-network update.
- discount (float) : Discount factor.
- init_fn (str) : Parameters initialization method.
DQN agent instance.
Update the agent and return training metrics such as actor loss, critic_loss, etc.