envs: VectorEnv, device: str = 'cpu', beta: float = 1.0, kappa: float = 0.0,
gamma: float = None, rwd_norm_type: str = 'rms', obs_norm_type: str = 'rms',
latent_dim: int = 32, lr: float = 0.001, batch_size: int = 256, k: int = 10,
kernel_cluster_distance: float = 0.008, kernel_epsilon: float = 0.0001,
c: float = 0.001, sm: float = 8.0, mrs: float = 5.0, update_proportion: float = 1.0,
encoder_model: str = 'mnih', weight_init: str = 'default'
Never Give Up: Learning Directed Exploration Strategies (NGU). See paper:
- envs (VectorEnv) : The vectorized environments.
- device (str) : Device (cpu, cuda, ...) on which the code should be run.
- beta (float) : The initial weighting coefficient of the intrinsic rewards.
- kappa (float) : The decay rate of the weighting coefficient.
- gamma (Optional[float]) : Intrinsic reward discount rate, default is
. - rwd_norm_type (str) : Normalization type for intrinsic rewards from ['rms', 'minmax', 'none'].
- obs_norm_type (str) : Normalization type for observations data from ['rms', 'none'].
- latent_dim (int) : The dimension of encoding vectors.
- lr (float) : The learning rate.
- batch_size (int) : The batch size for update.
- k (int) : Number of neighbors.
- kernel_cluster_distance (float) : The kernel cluster distance.
- kernel_epsilon (float) : The kernel constant.
- c (float) : The pseudo-counts constant.
- sm (float) : The kernel maximum similarity.
- mrs (float) : The maximum reward scaling.
- update_proportion (float) : The proportion of the training data used for updating the forward dynamics models.
Instance of NGU.
Compute the rewards for current samples.
- samples (Dict[str, th.Tensor]) : The collected samples. A python dict consists of multiple tensors, whose keys are ['observations', 'actions', 'rewards', 'terminateds', 'truncateds', 'next_observations']. For example, the data shape of 'observations' is (n_steps, n_envs, *obs_shape).
- sync (bool) : Whether to update the reward module after the
function, default isTrue
The intrinsic rewards.