Observation Augmentation for Sample Efficiency and Generalization
Observation augmentation is an efficient approach to improve sample efficiency and generalization, which is also a basic primitive of RLLTE.
- Laskin M, Lee K, Stooke A, et al. Reinforcement learning with augmented data[J]. Advances in neural information processing systems, 2020, 33: 19884-19895.
- Yarats D, Fergus R, Lazaric A, et al. Mastering Visual Continuous Control: Improved Data-Augmented Reinforcement Learning[C]//International Conference on Learning Representations. 2021.
RLLTE implements the augmentation modules via a PyTorch-NN manner, and both imaged-based and state-based observations are supported. A code example is:
Run from rllte.agent import DrAC
from rllte.env import make_atari_env
from rllte.xplore.augmentation import RandomCrop
if __name__ == "__main__":
# env setup
device = "cuda:0"
env = make_atari_env(device=device)
eval_env = make_atari_env(device=device)
# create agent
agent = DrAC(env=env,
# create augmentation module
random_crop = RandomCrop()
# set the module
# start training
and you'll see the augmentation module is invoked:
[08/04/2023 05:00:15 PM] - [INFO.] - Invoking RLLTE Engine...
[08/04/2023 05:00:15 PM] - [INFO.] - ================================================================================
[08/04/2023 05:00:15 PM] - [INFO.] - Tag : drac_atari
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [INFO.] - Device : NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Agent : DrAC
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Encoder : MnihCnnEncoder
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Policy : OnPolicySharedActorCritic
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Storage : VanillaRolloutStorage
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Distribution : Categorical
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Augmentation : True, RandomCrop
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - Intrinsic Reward : False
[08/04/2023 05:00:16 PM] - [DEBUG] - ================================================================================
Compatibility of augmentation
Note that the module will only make difference when the algorithm supports data augmentation. Please refer to https://docs.rllte.dev/api/ for the compatibility.